How can I control which user owns the files I copy in and out of a container?
The docker cp
command says this about file ownership:
command behaves like the Unixcp -a
command in that directories are copied recursively with permissions preserved if possible. Ownership is set to the user and primary group at the destination. For example, files copied to a container are created withUID:GID
of the root user. Files copied to the local machine are created with theUID:GID
of the user which invoked thedocker cp
command. However, if you specify the-a
option,docker cp
sets the ownership to the user and primary group at the source.
It says that files copied to a container are created as the root user, but that's not what I see. I create two files owned by user id 1005 and 1006. Those owners are translated into the container's user namespace. The -a
option seems to make no difference when I copy the file into a container.
$ sudo chown 1005:1005 test.txt
$ ls -l test.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 1005 1005 29 Oct 6 12:43 test.txt
$ docker volume create sandbox1
$ docker run --name run1 -vsandbox1:/data alpine echo OK
$ docker cp test.txt run1:/data/test1005.txt
$ docker cp -a test.txt run1:/data/test1005a.txt
$ sudo chown 1006:1006 test.txt
$ docker cp test.txt run1:/data/test1006.txt
$ docker cp -a test.txt run1:/data/test1006a.txt
$ docker run --rm -vsandbox1:/data alpine ls -l /data
total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 1005 1005 29 Oct 6 19:43 test1005.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 1005 1005 29 Oct 6 19:43 test1005a.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 1006 1006 29 Oct 6 19:43 test1006.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 1006 1006 29 Oct 6 19:43 test1006a.txt
When I copy files out of the container, they are always owned by me. Again, the -a
option seems to do nothing.
$ docker run --rm -vsandbox1:/data alpine cp /data/test1006.txt /data/test1007.txt
$ docker run --rm -vsandbox1:/data alpine chown 1007:1007 /data/test1007.txt
$ docker cp run1:/data/test1006.txt .
$ docker cp run1:/data/test1007.txt .
$ docker cp -a run1:/data/test1006.txt test1006a.txt
$ docker cp -a run1:/data/test1007.txt test1007a.txt
$ ls -l test*.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 don don 29 Oct 6 12:43 test1006a.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 don don 29 Oct 6 12:43 test1006.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 don don 29 Oct 6 12:47 test1007a.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 don don 29 Oct 6 12:47 test1007.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 1006 1006 29 Oct 6 12:43 test.txt
In order to get complete control of file ownership, I used the tar stream feature of docker cp
is specified for either theSRC_PATH
, you can also stream a tar archive fromSTDIN
I launch the docker cp
process, then stream a tar file to or from the process. As the tar entries go past, I can adjust the ownership and permissions however I like.
Here's a simple example in Python that copies all the files from /outputs
in the sandbox1
container to the current directory, excludes the current directory so its permissions don't get changed, and forces all the files to have read/write permissions for the user.
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, CalledProcessError
import tarfile
def main():
export_args = ['sudo', 'docker', 'cp', 'sandbox1:/outputs/.', '-']
exporter = Popen(export_args, stdout=PIPE)
tar_file =, mode='r|')
tar_file.extractall('.', members=exclude_root(tar_file))
if exporter.returncode:
raise CalledProcessError(exporter.returncode, export_args)
def exclude_root(tarinfos):
for tarinfo in tarinfos:
if != '.':
tarinfo.mode |= 0o600
yield tarinfo