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Postgresql jsonb traversal

I am very new to the PG jsonb field. I have for example a jsonb field containing the following

"RootModule": {
  "path": [
  "tags": {
    "ModuleBase1": {
      "value": 40640,
      "humanstring": "40640"
  "ModuleBase2": {
    "value": 40200,
    "humanstring": "40200"
"children": {
  "RtuInfoModule": {
    "path": [
    "tags": {
      "in0": {
        "value": 11172,
        "humanstring": "11172"
      "in1": {
        "value": 25913,
        "humanstring": "25913"

Is there a way to query X levels deep and search the "tags" key for a certain key.

Say I want "ModuleBase2" and "in1" and I want to get their values?

Basically I am looking for a query that will traverse a jsonb field until it finds a key and returns the value without having to know the structure.

In Python or JS a simple loop or recursive function could easily traverse a json object (or dictionary) until it finds a key.

Is there a built in function PG has to do that?

Ultimately I want to do this in django.

Edit: I see I can do stuff like

SELECT data.key AS key, data.value as value 
FROM trending_snapshot, jsonb_each(trending_snapshot.snapshot-
>'RootModule') AS data
WHERE key = 'tags';

But I must specify the the levels.


  • You can use a recursive query to flatten a nested jsonb, see this answer. Modify the query to find values for specific keys (add a condition in where clause):

    with recursive flat (id, path, value) as (
        select id, key, value
        from my_table,
        select, concat(f.path, '.', j.key), j.value
        from flat f,
        jsonb_each(f.value) j
        where jsonb_typeof(f.value) = 'object'
    select id, path, value
    from flat
    where path like any(array['%ModuleBase2.value', '%in1.value']);
     id |                       path                       | value 
      1 | RootModule.tags.ModuleBase2.value                | 40200
      1 | RootModule.children.RtuInfoModule.tags.in1.value | 25913
    (2 rows)    

    Test it in SqlFiddle.