In order of complexity, with Pyramids, I can create static bokeh graphs and then incorperate them with div tags like outlined here.
The Bokeh documentations explain clearly how one can setup a bokeh server for interactive data exploration, and I have successfully created such an application.
What I would like to do though is to have an interactive graph within a Pyramids view page. The requirements of this page would be as followed:
There are things I am not clear about:
There is one paragraph that mentions how bokeh server can be embedded into either a Flask or Tornado app. But the paragraph is too brief for me to make sense right now. So I am asking how would I do this in Pyramids?
As bigreddot said, the workflow is quite similar with minute changes in the code. I actually built my answer based on his anwer. Thanks bigreddot!
Following is my solution for integrating bokeh-sever with Pyramid.
def bokeh_doc(doc):
# create data source
# define all elements that are necessary
# ex:
p = line(x, y, source)
# now add 'p' to the doc object
# define a callback if necessary
# and register that callback
doc.add_periodic_callback(_cb, delay)
or any other file where you configure the routes. conf.add_route('bokeh_app', '/bokeh-app')
has to be rendered. This function could be written in
or where ever you deem appropriate.from pyramid.view import view_config
from bokeh.embed import server_document
@view_config(route_name='bokeh_app', renderer='static/plot.jinja2')
def bokeh_view(request):
# this '/app' route to the plot is configured in step. 4
# using default host and port of bokeh server.
# But, the host and port can be configured (step. 4)
script = server_document('localhost:5006/app')
# assuming your jinja2 file has
# {{ script|safe }}
# embedded somewhere in the <body> tag
return {'script': script}
from bokeh.application import Application
from bokeh.application.handlers import FunctionHandler
from bokeh.server.server import Server
# bokeh_doc is the function which defines the plot layout (step. 1)
chart_app = Application(FunctionHandler(bokeh_doc))
# the '/app' path is configured to display the 'chart_app' application
# here, a different host and port for Bokeh-server could be defined
# ex: {"<host2:9898>/app_bokeh": chart_app}
bokeh_server = Server({"/app": chart_app}, allow_websocket_origin=["localhost:6543"])
# start the bokeh server and put it in a loop
takes in a list of strings that must be upgraded to support web-socket connection required by bokeh. In this case, we need give the url of the pyramid server
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
pyramid_app = conf.make_wsgi_app()
pyramid_server = make_server('localhost', 6543, pyramid_app)