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Look up the user with bearer token with Openiddict Core

I am currently using Openiddict, Identity and Entity Framework to manage my users and assign Bearer tokens to users to protect my API.

My infrastructure is currently using ASP.NET Core Web API in the back end and a separate React application in the front end. The React application makes HTTP calls to my API to retrieve it's data. There is no server side HTML rendering at all in the back end.

Everything works as I need it to for the most part. I can register users and retrieve tokens from the API. These tokens are included in my HTTP call in the Authorization header. My AuthorizationController uses this: with a few minor tweaks. My Startup.cs also uses almost exactly this

In some instances, I need to make API calls to the endpoints that are specific to the user. For instance, if I need to know if a user has voted on a comment or not. Instead of passing along the users ID in a query string to get the user details, I would like to use the Bearer token I received that they use to make the API call for that endpoint. I am not sure how to do this though.

In some research I have done it looks like some samples use ASP.NET Core MVC as opposed to the API to retrieve the user with the User variable as seen here however this seems not to apply to my infrastructure.

My question is how do I look up a user based on the Bearer token passed to the API to look up a users details from my database? I am assuming that all of the tokens passed out by the API are assigned to that specific user, right? If that's the case it should be easy to look them up based on the Bearer token.


  • The question is: How with Openiddict can you look up a user based on the token that was assigned to them for API calls? I need to get the user details before anything else can be done with the application first. Is there something baked internally or do I have to write my own support for this?

    When you create an AuthenticationTicket in your authorization controller (which is later used by OpenIddict to generate an access token), you have to add a sub claim that corresponds to the subject/entity represented by the access token.

    Assuming you use the user identifier as the sub claim, you can easily extract it from your API endpoints using User.FindFirst(OpenIdConnectConstants.Claims.Subject)?.Value and use it to make your DB lookup.