I use a query parameter q=something to search
From the documentation here it is evident that q="Match entire phrase" will return all events that match Match AND entire AND phrase
But I cannot search for an event something like this "abc 1.34 - 3.03 p.m." to be clear whenever there is a minus sign the search breaks understanding it as negation
I tried escaping minus as - by "abc 1.34 \- 3.03 p.m." but I was not successful.
How do I search for the event by exact which has numbers and special chars?
You're referencing a deprecated documentation. Instead try Events.list. There is a Try-it section. I placed a query statement in the 'q' parameter and it worked, returned the event to me:
"kind": "calendar#events",
"etag": "\"p328xp1nqajltc9g\"",
"summary": "myname@gmail.com",
"updated": "2017-10-12T14:25:18.442Z",
"timeZone": "Underworld",
"accessRole": "owner",
"defaultReminders": [
"method": "popup",
"minutes": 30
"nextSyncToken": "abcdefghijklmno",
"items": []