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Why doesn't my conversion code for roman numbers ('mcmxcix' for e.g) to real numbers work?

I want to convert Roman numerals, such as "mcmxcix", to arabic integers like "1999".

My code looks like:

#~ I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50
#~ C = 100 D = 500 M = 1000

def roman_to_integer roman
  len = roman.length
  x = 1
  while x <= len
    arr =
    arr.push roman[x]
    x += 1
  num = 0
  arr.each do |i|
    if i == 'I'
      num +=  1
    elsif i == 'V'
      num +=  5
    elsif i == 'X'
      num +=  10
    elsif i == 'L'
      num +=  50
    elsif i == 'C'
      num +=  100
    elsif i == 'D'
      num += 500
    elsif i == 'M'
      num +=  1000



The output is 0, but I don't understand why?


  • Ruby doesn't have a post-increment operator. When it sees ++ it interprets that as one infix + followed by one prefix (unary) +. Since it expects an operand to follow after that, but instead finds the keyword end, you get a syntax error.

    You need to replace x++ with x += 1.

    Furthermore note that x isn't actually in scope inside the roman_to_integer method (which isn't a syntax error, but nevertheless wrong).

    Additionally you'll have to replace all your ifs except the first with elsifs. The way you wrote it all the ifs are nested, which means that a) you don't have enough ends and b) the code doesn't have the semantics you want.