I'm looking to create a macro variable. The macro variable name needs to be made by concatenating text to an already existing variable after it has resolved. Specifically, I want to do this in a PROC SQL block using INTO:. Here's a snippet to explain what I want to do.
%macro MyMacro(process);
COUNT(*) INTO: &process._new_text
%mend MyMacro;
If I call on this macro and I pass the word "cat" into process, I want to have now declared/initialized a variable with the name cat_new_text, and it should return the COUNT(*) selected in that query whenever &cat_new_text is referenced.
I've done a little reading around, looked into using multiple ampersands, trying to resolved &process within quotes first - nothing has really solved my exact problem. Does anyone know of a clear cut way to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance!
Your code seems fine and it seems like it would do exactly what you describe. However if your trying to "access" that new macro variable outside the macro, e.g.,
%put &cat._new_text.;
then indeed it will not work because the variable was created locally in your macro and does not exist outside the scope of that macro.
To fix that, you simply need to add a %global
statement in your macro definition:
%macro MyMacro(process);
%global &process._new_text;
INTO: &process._new_text
FROM DataSetHere
%mend MyMacro;