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Overloading namespaces in xml with envelope

I have a program that iterates through XML Documents to search for values. I want to extract the version number of the document I found and add it to the search result.

The problem I encounter is, that the documents have a lot of different namespaces, and most of them have an envelope. The envelope has the same namespaceprefix like the divergent namespace in the payload of the document. I am struggeling to extract values from the payload, because I am not able to get the namespace of the inner document.

if (myX != null)
    XNamespace myNs;
    if (myX.Root.FirstAttribute == null)
        myNs = "";
        myNs = myX.Root.FirstAttribute.Value;
        var dummy2 = myX.Root.Descendants("Message").First().FirstAttribute;
        var dummy1 = myX.Root.Descendants(myNs + "Message").First().FirstAttribute;


    foreach (XNode xN in myX.Root.DescendantNodes())
        if (xN is XElement)
            if (!wildcard)
                if (((XElement)xN).Value == value)
                    myResultSet[0].Add(new ResultSet(file, myX.Root.Descendants(myNs + "MessageVersion").First().Value));
            else if (wildcard)
                if (((XElement)xN).Value.Contains(value))
                    myResultSet[0].Add(new ResultSet(file, myX.Root.Descendants(myNs + "MessageVersion").First().Value));

I can get the ns0:Body Element, but I fail to get anything with the "" namespace. The XML is something like this:

<ns0:Envelope xmlns:ns0="">
    <ns0:Message xmlns:ns0="">
        <ns0:Payload />

Is there a possibility to get to the inner message without removing the envelope first?


  • I'm not sure why you're trying to 'extract' the namespace. The namespace is part of the element name - just as you know the local name MessageVersion you should also know its namespace.

    You should be doing something like this:

    XNamespace ns = ""
    var version = (string) doc
        .Descendants(ns + "MessageVersion")

    If for some reason you don't know or don't care about the namespace, you can just search by local name:

    var version = (string) doc
        .Single(x => x.Name.LocalName == "MessageVersion");