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Promela: passing array to new proctype

I need to pass an array from parent process to child process in Promela but it is not allowing me to do so. Also, I have some constraints in making this array global, so can't do this also. How can this be done?

for e.g.:

proctype B(int hg)

proctype A()
    int hg[n];
    run B(hg);


  • The documentation of run says that:

    DESCRIPTION The run operator takes as arguments the name of a previously declared proctype , and a possibly empty list of actual parameters that must match the number and types of the formal parameters of that proctype. [...]

    The run operator must pass actual parameter values to the new process, if the proctype declaration specified a non-empty formal parameter list. Only message channels and instances of the basic data types can be passed as parameters. Arrays of variables cannot be passed.

    [emphasis is mine]

    You should consider using global variables instead.

    In the following example, we enclose the array inside a user-defined structured data type --together with any other parameter which might be needed by the process--, and declare a global vector of such Records. Then, instead of directly passing around the array argument, we exchange the index of the Record containing the parameters for the other process.

    #define m 10
    #define n 10
    typedef Record {
        int hg[n];
        // ...
        // other parameters
        // ... 
    Record data[m];
    active proctype A ()
        int idx = 1;
        data[idx].hg[0] = 12;
        // ...
        run B(idx);
    proctype B (int idx)
        assert(data[idx].hg[0] == 12);
        data[idx].hg[0] = 17;
        // ...

    This will allow you to generate a verifier:

    ~$ spin -search -bfs test.pml
    State-vector 424 byte, depth reached 6, errors: 0

    Alternatively, and only if you don't need to generate a verifier, you can simply pass-around your Record instance. e.g.

    #define n 10
    typedef Record {
        int hg[n];
        // ...
        // other parameters
        // ... 
    active proctype A ()
        Record my_record;
        my_record.hg[0] = 12;
        // ...
        run B(my_record);
    proctype B (Record data)
        assert(data.hg[0] == 12);
        data.hg[0] = 17;
        // ...

    However, this only works in simulation mode and in particular it will not allow you to generate a verifier:

    ~$ spin -search -bfs test.pml
    spin: test.pml:18, Error: hidden array in parameter data

    In fact, the documentation of typedef explicitly mentions that

    A typedef object can also be used as a parameter in a run statement, but in this case it may not contain any arrays.

    [emphasis is mine]