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how can we use gatling-mqtt plugin in a maven project for load testing

I have a java maven project and i want to be able to test the performance of our mqtt broker using gatling. I understand that gatling directly doesn't support mqtt protocol.

I came across gatling-mqtt plugin in github. I'm not sure how i can use this plugin in my maven project. I couldn't find an existing maven plugin or dependency for this.

I have added the following dependencies in pom.xml


and the following plugins:


I'm trying to write a simulation very similar to this:

import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import org.fusesource.mqtt.client.QoS
import scala.concurrent.duration._

import com.github.mnogu.gatling.mqtt.Predef._

class MqttSimulation extends Simulation {
    val mqttConf = mqtt
    // MQTT broker

    val scn = scenario("MQTT Test")
    // topic: "foo"
    // payload: "Hello"
    // retain: false
    .publish("foo", "Hello", QoS.AT_LEAST_ONCE, retain = false))

    .inject(constantUsersPerSec(10) during(90 seconds)))

But for writing such a scenario, I'm unable to use the mqtt object.
Error that i get is 'not found: value mqtt'


  • I created a jar of the gatling-mqtt project which I included in my project. I was then able to use the mqtt object.

    You can create a jar by downloading sbt. In your console, from the project path run command '$sbt assembly'. This will create a jar for you.