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PHP alternative for Python's fabric

I am happily using fabric for my Python projects for deployment. Now I am engaged in a larger PHP project and wondering if there is something like fabric for PHP?


  • Hmm? Why does it matter? Fabric is just python scripting. So it's project language agnostic. You can use it put anything on a server you'd use scp for, as well as script anything via ssh you'd use bash or [insert other tool here] for. Fabric really isn't Python's capistrano. It's more akin to a combining of both cap and rake, though I still think that's pigeonholing fabric's ability.

    I do like the one stop recipe bits that cap and (from first look) weploy gives you for projects, as in fabric unless you're leveraging something like woven, you'll be rolling your own. But the customization ability of fabric is a plus to me, as I'm all over the place in my uses for it.