I'm currently using the yagmail module to send e-mails with Python, and I'm having difficulty embedding locally stored images into an e-mail. Is this possible?
Here's a code example:
contents = ["<img src='/path/to/local/image'>"]
yag = yagmail.SMTP('myemail@gmail.com', 'password')
yag.send('myotheremail@gmail.com', 'E-mail Title', contents)
Using the above code example, if I input an external path (e.g, imgur image or google image), it works perfectly, put I cannot seem to get a local path recognized.
The solution doesn't have to be using yagmail, it just seems to be the easiest e-mail module I've used so far.
Thanks for any help!
yagmail creator here:
Try this:
contents = [yagmail.inline("/path/to/local/image")]