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Decryption failed (no vault secrets would found that could decrypt)


I have organized my configs into a role based directory structure. Some of those roles have default variable files that have encrypted text. Here's a simplified and tested task list that fails:

- name: 'Include some additional variables'
    dir: "{{playbook_dir}}/roles/foo/defaults/vars"
  tags: 'debug'

- name: 'Debug: display the variables'
    msg: "{{item}}"
    - "{{encrypted_text_from_yml_file}}"
  tags: 'debug'

- name: 'Deploy Foo plugins'
    - name: 'Transfer the folder to the application directory'
        src: 'some_src_folder'
        dest: "{{some_unencrypted_text_from_another_yml_file}}"
        archive: false
        recursive: true
  tags: 'debug'

I'm seeing the following error, however, when executing my playbook:

TASK [<some_app> : Transfer the <some_folder> folder to the application directory] **********************************************************************************
fatal: [<some_hostname>]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "Decryption failed (no vault secrets would found t
hat could decrypt)"}

My credentials are being retrieved from a password file.

I tossed a debug task right after the variable include and all my variables that were encrypted displayed. The weird thing is the block of tasks where the exception is occurring is using a synchronize module. No variables from the vault are even being used...

Any idea how to troubleshoot this? I increased the verbosity up to -vvvv and didn't see anything obvious.

Using: ansible


  • I figured out the issue. I accidentally truncated an encrypted string in group_vars/all. Using -vvvvv (note the 5th v) actually helped reveal an HMAC issue.