private void CalculateFitness(TimeTable timeTable)
int score = 0, DAYS_NUM = 5;
score = timeTable.Exams.SelectMany(exam => exam.Students)
.GroupBy(s => s)
.Select(g => Connections(g.Count()))
timeTable.Fitness = score;
int Connections(int corners)
// 0+1+2+...+(corners-1)
return corners * (corners - 1) / 2;
Isn't your function equivalent to this:
score = timeTable.Exams.SelectMany(exam=>exam.Students)
with helper function
int Connections(int corners)
//Formula for number of sides in a complete graph
// 0+1+2+...+(corners-1)
return corners*(corners-1)/2;
This should be linear runtime in timeTable.Exams.Sum(exam=>exam.Student.Count())
whereas yours looks quadratic to me.