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Can Phabricator ignore Ref Txxx in commits for a particular branch?

We use the Ref Txxxsyntax in our git commits to link those to phabricator tasks. Nice feature, exactly what we want, however:

During development and rebasing in a particular branch this creates a lot of noise in the phabricator history, i.e. a lot of commits are shown as striketrough after a rebase etc.

phabricator striketrough

Can this be avoided? Of course, I could use a dummy Ref and then replace those when I think I am done. But can I exclude a branch from being monitored by phabricator or is there another smart way to deal with this?


  • Yes, you can have phabricator just watch certain ones, and thereby implicitly ignore other branches.

    Go to Repositories -> select a repository -> Actions -> Manage Repository -> Branches-> Edit. Here you can set Track Only to describe which branches phabricator should look at.

    I've got a number of branches where I want phabricator to ignore personal/$USER/ branches, thus I set Track Onlyto:


    Have a look at the documentation.