I have hostnameWhitelist map
var hostnameWhitelist = map[string] bool { "test.mydomain.com":true, "test12.mydomaindev.com":true}
And the way I check if incoming request's hostname is allowed or not is -
url, errURL := url.Parse("test.mydomain.com")
if errURL != nil {
fmt.Println("error during parsing URL")
return false
fmt.Println("HOSTNAME = " + url.Hostname())
if ok := hostnameWhitelist[url.Hostname()]; ok {
fmt.Println("valid domain, allow access")
} else {
fmt.Println("NOT valid domain")
return false
While this works great, how do I do a wild card match like -
Both of these should pass.
should fail
Regex is the to go solution for your problem, map[string]bool may not work as expected as you are trying to match a regex with single value.
package main
import (
func main() {
if matched, _ := regexp.MatchString(".*\\.?mydomain.*", "mydomaindev.com"); matched {
fmt.Println("Valid domain")
This would match all domain with pattern mydomain, so www.mydomain.com www.mydomaindev.com would match byt test.com and hello.com will fail
Other handy string ops are,
//This would match a.mydomain.com, b.mydomain.com etc.,
if strings.HasSuffix(url1.Hostname(), ".mydomain.com") {
fmt.Println("Valid domain allow access")
//To match anything with mydomain - like mydomain.com, mydomaindev.com
if strings.Contains(url2.Hostname(), "mydomain.com") {
fmt.Println("Valid domain allow access")