I am attempting to compress a RGB image into a JPEG using libjpeg from ijg. In the end the idea is to take an image with a image sensor and compress the data into a JPEG on an ARM Cortex M3 controller; however, for testing purposes I've been using BMP files converted to RGB .data files using GIMP.
I've been able to successfully compress the RGB data into a JPEG image on an SD card using the controller and libjpeg, but I am seeing a distorted line across the image using this method, and I am unsure what is causing this, and how to fix it.
Here's the compressed JPEG image: https://i.sstatic.net/PlzJr.jpg
Here's the source BMP image: https://i.sstatic.net/dLCXG.png
Here's relevant code snippets:
static uint8_t* _pucImageSrc ;
static uint8_t* _pucImageDst ;
static uint8_t*_pucCapturedBuf;
uint8_t _compress_image_jpg(SJPEGTest *pImage, sdCardDataHandler *datahandler){
SJpegData sJpegData;
_pucCapturedBuf = datahandler->sourcePtr;
JpegData_Init( &sJpegData ) ;
JpegData_SetSource( &sJpegData, _pucCapturedBuf, datahandler->sourceSize) ;
JpegData_SetDestination( &sJpegData, _pucImageDst, datahandler->sourceSize ) ;
JpegData_SetDimensions( &sJpegData, 512, 384, 3 ) ;
JpegData_SetParameters( &sJpegData, 25, JPG_DATA_RGB, JPG_METHOD_IFAST ) ;
if ( ijg_compress( &sJpegData ) == 0 ){
} else {
datahandler->destSize = sJpegData.dwDstLength;
datahandler->destPtr = _pucImageDst;
extern uint32_t ijg_compress( SJpegData* pData ){
struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo ;
struct my_error_mgr jerr ;
JSAMPROW row_pointer ; /* pointer to a single row */
assert( pData != NULL ) ;
cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error( &jerr.pub ) ;
return 1;
jpeg_create_compress( &cinfo ) ;
jpeg_mem_dest( &cinfo, &(pData->pucDst), (unsigned long*)&(pData->dwDstLength) ) ;
cinfo.image_width = pData->dwWidth ;
cinfo.image_height = pData->dwHeight ;
cinfo.input_components = pData->dwBPP ;
cinfo.in_color_space = pData->eInput ;
jpeg_set_defaults( &cinfo ) ;
cinfo.dct_method = pData->eMethod ;
jpeg_set_quality( &cinfo, pData->dwQuality, true ) ;
jpeg_start_compress( &cinfo, true ) ;
while ( cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height )
row_pointer = (JSAMPROW) &pData->pucSrc[cinfo.next_scanline*cinfo.image_width*cinfo.input_components] ;
jpeg_write_scanlines( &cinfo, &row_pointer, 1 ) ;
jpeg_finish_compress( &cinfo ) ;
return 0 ;
After having to port libjpeg to a new controller that did not have a certain library installed I was able to determine the issue. Some memory was not being free'd correctly due me at one point replacing free() calls with membag_free(), then reverting back to free() but missing one call. Doh! Thanks for the help!