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Can we remove the time and date info from the tooltip generated on hover over the event in fullcalendar

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here I want to remove the time and date info from the tooltip, how can we do that?

The tooltip comes in on hover over the fullcalendar on the events on a perticular day. so i just want to display the information of the event not the time and date info along with it .

below is the code -

  ngOnInit() {
    this.calendarTitle = this.calendarInfo.Name;  
    this.calendarTitleJql = this.calendarInfo.jql;
    // if (this.calendarData[0]) {
    //   this.eventField = Object.keys(this.calendarData[0])[6];
    // }

    this.eventsInfo = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.calendarData).split(this.eventField).join('eventDate')); = (_ref) {
      var Status = _ref.Status,
        eventDate = _ref.eventDate,
        Created = _ref.Created,
       Key = _ref.Key;
      return { title: Status, start: eventDate, id: Key };


  isloading(e) {

  handleEventClick(e) {

  calendarTitleClick() {;

  loadEvents(e) {

    if (this) {
      let month = e.view.start._d.getMonth() + 2;
      let year = e.view.start._d.getFullYear();

      if (month == '13') {
        month = 1;
        year = year + 1;

        }); = this.eventsData;

    const el = event.currentTarget;
    var coord = el.getBoundingClientRect();
    if(this.timeoutId) {

    this.hoveredEventData = { 
      event: data,
      position: {
        top: - 80 ,
        left: coord.left + el.offsetWidth - 350 

  onEventMouseout({ calEvent: data, jsEvent: event, view }) {
      this.timeoutId = setTimeout(() => this.hoveredEventData = null, 3000);

html -

<div class="gadget-body">
   <p-schedule [events]="events" 


<div *ngIf="hoveredEventData" class="event-tooltip"
  {{ hoveredEventData.event.title }}
  {{ hoveredEventData.event.start }}

so here i am confused where to edit code so in tooltip the time should not show up and also in tooltip the wwc-414 key should be in bold , how can i do that.


  • Simply remove {{ hoveredEventData.event.start }} from the <div *ngIf="hoveredEventData" section and the date will no longer be shown in the tooltip.