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How can I use an array item with Interlocked.CompareExchange

I'm familiar with using Interlocked.CompareExchange() with plain objects. However I'd like to use it with the member of an array:

string[] myArray = new string[] { "A", "B", "C" }; 
string myStr = (string) Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref myArray[0], null, myArray[0]); 
// myArray[0] == null

How can I accomplish this?


  • I am using it like this

    string[] myArray = new string[] { "A", "B", "C" };
            string myStr = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref myArray[0], "F", myArray[0]);
            foreach (var item in myArray)

    And this is the out put

    F B C

    Everything is Fine.