I am using laravel 5.4 and Bootstrap Treeview. I have enabled the node text as link:
$('#treeview').treeview({data: data, enableLinks: true});
and in the href field of each node in the Json array I have the laravel route
"{{ route('opciones.create') }}"
Here is where I create the tree (I encode this to Json format in another part of my code)
function buildTree(array $elements, $parentId) {
$branch = array();
foreach ($elements as $element) {
$element['text'] = $element['descripcion'];
$element['href'] = "{{ route('opciones.create') }}";
if ($element['padre'] == $parentId){
$nodes = buildTree($elements, $element['id']);
if ($nodes) {
$element['nodes'] = $nodes;
$branch[] = $element;
return $branch;
This is the function in the controller that I need to call which returns a view (a blade file)
public function create()
{ $opcionespadre = Opcion::where('tipo', '=', 'SUBMENU')->get();
return view($this->path.'.create', compact('opcionespadre'));
I am using this especific function just to test the tree nodes links, I have other functions in the controller where I need to send a parameter, but first I need to make the link goes somewhere.
When I click on the text of the node, it says that the page I am looking for doesn't exist. This is what appears in the browser bar:{{route('opciones.create')}}
What should I do?
The problem is in this line :
$element['href'] = "{{ route('opciones.create') }}";
Do it like this :
function buildTree(array $elements, $parentId) {
$branch = array();
foreach ($elements as $element) {
$element['text'] = $element['descripcion'];
$element['href'] = route('opciones.create');
if ($element['padre'] == $parentId){
$nodes = buildTree($elements, $element['id']);
if ($nodes) {
$element['nodes'] = $nodes;
$branch[] = $element;
return $branch;