Given a CNN architecture (architecture image) where the information flow from one layer to another is controlled by a gating factor. The fraction 'g' of information is sent to the immediate next layer and remaining '1-g' is sent to one of the forward layers (like a skip connection)
How to implement such an architecture in Keras? Thanks in advance
Use the functional API Model.
For gates (automatic fraction g):
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import *
inputTensor = Input(someInputShape)
#the actual value
valueTensor = CreateSomeLayer(parameters)(inputTensor)
#the gate - this is the value of 'g', from zero to 1
gateTensor = AnotherLayer(matchingParameters, activation='sigmoid')(inputTensor)
#value * gate = fraction g
fractionG = Lambda(lambda x: x[0]*x[1])([valueTensor,gateTensor])
#value - fraction = 1 - g
complement = Lambda(lambda x: x[0] - x[1])([valueTensor,fractionG])
#each tensor may go into individual layers and follow individual paths:
immediateNextOutput = ImmediateNextLayer(params)(fractionG)
oneOfTheForwardOutputs = OneOfTheForwardLayers(params)(complement)
#keep going, make one or more outputs, and create your model:
model = Model(inputs=inputTensor, outputs=outputTensorOrListOfOutputTensors)
For giving two inputs to the same layer, concatenate, sum, multiply, etc., in order to make them one.
joinedTensor = Concatenate(axis=optionalAxis)([input1,input2])
joinedTensor = Add()([input1,input2])
nextLayerOut = TheLayer(parameters)(joinedTensor)
In this case, all we have to do is replace the gateTensor
by a user defined one:
import keras.backend as K
gateTensor = Input(tensor=K.variable([g]))
Pass this tensor as an input when creating the model. (Since it's a tensor
input, it won't change the way you use the fit
model = Model(inputs=[inputTensor,gateTensor], outputs=outputTensorOrListOfOutputTensors)