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In Python3, does `import` work transitively?

In Python3, does import work transitively?

For example, if a module contains import A, and the module for A contains import B, then does the module import B indirectly?

Compared to other languages:

  • In Java, some said that import doesn't work transitively, see

  • in C, include does work transitively. For example, if a file contains #include "A.h", and A.h contains #include "B.h", then the file also includes B.h indirectly.

How do Python's import, Java's import, and C'sinclude` work under the hook to have differences?



  • When you're importing a module to your namespace, Python creates a module namespace. This goes recursively; when you import A, it will import B and if it fails you'll get an error. Otherwise it will be accessible through A.B

    def func_in_b():
        print 'this is B'
    import temp
    def func_in_a():
        print 'this is A'
    >>> import temp2
    >>> temp2.func_in_a()
    this is A
    >>> temp2.temp.func_in_b()
    this is B