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Writing Unit Tests: How to get folder with testfiles programmatically

I am writing unit tests in visual studio 2010.
For test some functionality, I have added a folder with testfiles.
I need to get this folder programmatically without a hard path in a string.

The folder contains in <projectDirectory>/TestFiles

I have tried to use AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory. This will only work if I run my unit tests with resharper.
result is <projectDirectory>/bin/debug so I can easily go to TestFiles.

If I am running test with visual studio, the BaseDirectory is:
<sameFolderAsSolutionFile>\TestResults\<username>_<pcname> <datatime>\Out

I have moved my solution file to another folder. So my projects aren't in the same folder as my solution file.
<sameFolderAsSolutionFile> = C:\SolutionFiles
<projectDirectory> = C:\Projects\MyProject

Can someone tell me how to get the path to my test-files without using a hardcoded string?

I haven't found a solution yet.
Visual Studio is using another build folder for testing. So everything what is normally builded into the bin folder will be builded into another folder for the test.

I have added a App.config file in my test project. In this configuration file I have added a setting with the required path to the test files:

  <add key="TestFiles" value="C:\Projects\MyProject\TestFiles"/>


  • You can copy this folder into the deployment folder of the unit tests with the DeploymentItem attribute.