Search code examples

Solr query searching on non-indexed fields

Solr version 6.1.0

Created a schema with some fields as indexed=true on which I specifically want the solr main-query q to search.

And also added more fields, which I just wanted to select, so marked them as stored=true and indexed=false.

enter image description here

Issue now is that, main query q=India is searching on non-indexed fields like country, which I have specified in the image.

See the result below enter image description here

It is selecting the non-indexed field only when I specify the full value of non-indexed field.

See result for q=Indi enter image description here

How can I restrict solr from searching on non-index fields?


  • According to the screenshot above you're copying the content sent to the field country into the field _text_. When you're not giving Solr a specific field to search (i.e. you're not using one of the dismax handlers with qf or not prefixing your term with the field name field:value), it falls back to the default search field. This is set to _text_ by default. This field is indexed, and since you're copying the content from your country field into the _text_ field, the values from country will give a hit.

    If you don't want this to happen, don't copy the content from country into _text_, or give Solr the actual field you want to search.