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OpenCart 2.3.x Extension menu missing

I am logged in as Top Admin and there is no Extension bar in the gray left side navigation. See this screen capture:

screen capture of admin area

I checked the database and there is a table called oc_extension in there with the following rows:

enter image description here

Any idea what I can do to get the Extension menu to show in this installation?


  • It also looks like there are other bars missing.
    Besides 'Extensions' there is also 'Customers' and 'Marketing' that do not appear in your menu (see image below).
    As it appears that there is nothing wrong with your database, perhaps you want to check your user settings first. Go to Admin => System => Users=> => User Groups and check if your user group (typically 'Administrator') has full access and modification rights.
    ...In Admin => System => Users=> Users=> 'Your username' =>Edit-button)
    you can verify or change to what group your account is registered

    If you are sure you have full access and modifcation rights then I would try to see if perhaps the file system is incomplete. If you installed the file system through FTP upload you might want to upload the files once more to add or complete components. If you installed using an auto-installer provided by your host I would delete this install and try again. If, in that case the problem persits, contact your host and let them look into it
    I hope these ideas can be put to use, let me know how things go if you like. Good luck!

    Here's my menu, OC version

    Admin menu OC Version