I've got a Spring MVC Maven project written in Eclipse that was verified as working with an Apache Tomcat 7 as the web container.
I am trying to transfer it to my "server" pc where I want to deploy it to the my existing glassfish (4.1) server as the web container.
I am having a very hard time finding a big enough partial answer to get the rest of the way.
I have tried to just export the .war file to the autodeploy folder which resulted in a "deployfailed" file.
I have tried to setup a "new server" using glassfish tools, but I realized that this is creating a new server and the existing server blocks the socket connection.
Eclipse doesn't see to have standard web commands like build, clean or deploy, but I would happily settle for advice on how to tell it to deploy to the existing glassfish server similar to how I was able to with tomcat at my training location.
Check this answer. Then follow the following steps.