For my output HTML file, I have to produce a div
element with an id
attribute, but the value of the attribute shouldn't stand in quotes, just like in this example: <div id=myID>...</div>
. Everything what I want to have, works perfectly when I use quotes, like here: <div class="myClass" id="{$myIdVariable}">...</div>
. Is it possible to tell Oxygen or Saxon to ignore such cases? But at the end I'm using the java javax.xml.transform
package, where I'm not aware of, if I can tell my classes I use to ignore things like that. I would be very glad, if someone has a good solution for this problem, or even could tell me, that this is not possible by using XSLT...
I believe your title should read without quotes, ""
, not without parenthesis, ()
No, XSLT is not going to help you create XML that's not well-formed. (You could stand on your head and output text rather than XML to achieve such a effect, but don't do that.) Attribute values must have single, '
, or double quote, "
, delimiters for the markup to be XML. Even the HTML output option is not going to serialize attribute values without quote delimiters.
In comments, @Ole asks:
In principle you are right, but I thought that in HTML5, also attributes without quotes are allowed?
Yes, in HTML5, unquoted attribute values are allowed, but you'll be better off using the single-quoted and double-quoted attribute value syntaxes that are also supported in HTML5, especially if you want to be able to leverage XML tools.