The title says it all really. The effect I'm desiring is going to be used for UI, since UI bubbles will appear, and I want to animate them stretching.
Chat bubbles in iOS messaging apps are a good example of this behavior, see here for example. Here's the main image reproduced:
Notice the last chat bubbles wonky behavior. This is not normal in messaging apps, and the proper stretching is what I want to achieve with Pygame.
Is there any easy way to reproduce this specific kind of stretching in Pygame? Even if there are some constraints, like, all corners have to be the same size or something. I'd just like to know what is possible.
Based on what I had suggested in the comments, here is an implementation of the SliceSprite
class that creates and renders a 9-sliced sprite in pygame. I have also included a sample to show how it might be used. It is definitely rough around the edges (does not check for invalid input like when you resize the sprite with a width less than your defined left and right slice sizes) but should still be a useful start. This code has been updated and polished to handle these edge cases and does not recreate nine subsurfaces on every draw call as suggested by @skrx in the comments.
import pygame
class SliceSprite(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
SliceSprite extends pygame.sprite.Sprite to allow for 9-slicing of its contents.
Slicing of its image property is set using a slicing tuple (left, right, top, bottom).
Values for (left, right, top, bottom) are distances from the image edges.
width_error = ValueError("SliceSprite width cannot be less than (left + right) slicing")
height_error = ValueError("SliceSprite height cannot be less than (top + bottom) slicing")
def __init__(self, image, slicing=(0, 0, 0, 0)):
Creates a SliceSprite object.
_sliced_image is generated in _generate_slices() only when _regenerate_slices is True.
This avoids recomputing the sliced image whenever each SliceSprite parameter is changed
unless absolutely necessary! Additionally, _rect does not have direct @property access
since updating properties of the rect would not be trigger _regenerate_slices.
image (pygame.Surface): the original surface to be sliced
slicing (tuple(left, right, top, bottom): the 9-slicing margins relative to image edges
self._image = image
self._sliced_image = None
self._rect = self.image.get_rect()
self._slicing = slicing
self._regenerate_slices = True
def image(self):
return self._image
def image(self, new_image):
self._image = new_image
self._regenerate_slices = True
def width(self):
return self._rect.width
def width(self, new_width):
self._rect.width = new_width
self._regenerate_slices = True
def height(self):
return self._rect.height
def height(self, new_height):
self._rect.height = new_height
self._regenerate_slices = True
def x(self):
return self._rect.x
def x(self, new_x):
self._rect.x = new_x
self._regenerate_slices = True
def y(self):
return self._rect.y
def y(self, new_y):
self._rect.y = new_y
self._regenerate_slices = True
def slicing(self):
return self._slicing
def slicing(self, new_slicing=(0, 0, 0, 0)):
self._slicing = new_slicing
self._regenerate_slices = True
def get_rect(self):
return self._rect
def set_rect(self, new_rect):
self._rect = new_rect
self._regenerate_slices = True
def _generate_slices(self):
Internal method required to generate _sliced_image property.
This first creates nine subsurfaces of the original image (corners, edges, and center).
Next, each subsurface is appropriately scaled using pygame.transform.smoothscale.
Finally, each subsurface is translated in "relative coordinates."
Raises appropriate errors if rect cannot fit the center of the original image.
num_slices = 9
x, y, w, h = self._image.get_rect()
l, r, t, b = self._slicing
mw = w - l - r
mh = h - t - b
wr = w - r
hb = h - b
rect_data = [
(0, 0, l, t), (l, 0, mw, t), (wr, 0, r, t),
(0, t, l, mh), (l, t, mw, mh), (wr, t, r, mh),
(0, hb, l, b), (l, hb, mw, b), (wr, hb, r, b),
x, y, w, h = self._rect
mw = w - l - r
mh = h - t - b
if mw < 0: raise SliceSprite.width_error
if mh < 0: raise SliceSprite.height_error
scales = [
(l, t), (mw, t), (r, t),
(l, mh), (mw, mh), (r, mh),
(l, b), (mw, b), (r, b),
translations = [
(0, 0), (l, 0), (l + mw, 0),
(0, t), (l, t), (l + mw, t),
(0, t + mh), (l, t + mh), (l + mw, t + mh),
self._sliced_image = pygame.Surface((w, h))
for i in range(num_slices):
rect = pygame.rect.Rect(rect_data[i])
surf_slice = self.image.subsurface(rect)
stretched_slice = pygame.transform.smoothscale(surf_slice, scales[i])
self._sliced_image.blit(stretched_slice, translations[i])
def draw(self, surface):
Draws the SliceSprite onto the desired surface.
Calls _generate_slices only at draw time only if necessary.
Note that the final translation occurs here in "absolute coordinates."
surface (pygame.Surface): the parent surface for blitting SliceSprite
x, y, w, h, = self._rect
if self._regenerate_slices:
self._regenerate_slices = False
surface.blit(self._sliced_image, (x, y))
Example usage (
import pygame
from slicesprite import SliceSprite
if __name__ == "__main__":
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
done = False
outer_points = [(0, 20), (20, 0), (80, 0), (100, 20), (100, 80), (80, 100), (20, 100), (0, 80)]
inner_points = [(10, 25), (25, 10), (75, 10), (90, 25), (90, 75), (75, 90), (25, 90), (10, 75)]
image = pygame.Surface((100, 100), pygame.SRCALPHA)
pygame.draw.polygon(image, (20, 100, 150), outer_points)
pygame.draw.polygon(image, (0, 60, 120), inner_points)
button = SliceSprite(image, slicing=(25, 25, 25, 25))
button.set_rect((50, 100, 500, 200))
#Alternate version if you hate using rects for some reason
#button.x = 50
#button.y = 100
#button.width = 500
#button.height = 200
while not done:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
screen.fill((0, 0, 0))