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How do I debug a python container in intellij?

The docker plugin has a debug port for connecting to a container enter image description here

I have a python application, but according to the docs the debug port is only supported for java.

How can I set breakpoints and debug my python container in intellij? Is there some way I could have the python container connect to the intellij python debugger?

Edit: I'm running Windows 10, docker for Windows, and the container is linux. Perhaps I need to manually setup some kind of remote debugging for the intellij Python debugger? Also, might as well ask, must I have the professional version for remote debugging or is there a workaround using community?


  • You can do that using Python Remote Debugging. Open the configurations window and click on + -> Python Remote Debug

    Python Debugger Option

    Then you either set a port or keep it blank for Pycharm to find a available port.

    Python Remote Debug

    Then click on Debug icon to launch the debug server which will show below kind of message

    Starting debug server at port 57588
    Use the following code to connect to the debugger:
    import pydevd
    pydevd.settrace('localhost', port=57588, stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True)
    Waiting for process connection...

    Now you need to setup pydev debugging inside docker. You will need the pycharm-debug-py3k.egg for this. For me I copied to my current Dockerfile folder like below

    cp "/Users/tarun.lalwani/Library/Application Support/IntelliJIdea2017.2/python/pycharm-debug-py3k.egg" .

    The location for your will change based on the IntelliJ version installed. After that, we need to edit our Dockerfile

    FROM python:3.6
    WORKDIR /app
    ENV PYTHONPATH=/app:/app/debug
    COPY pycharm-debug-py3k.egg /app/debug
    COPY /app/
    CMD python

    The when built will have below lines at the top

    import pydevd
    pydevd.settrace('docker.for.mac.localhost', port=55507, stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True)

    Note: I have used docker.for.mac.localhost as I use docker for mac, but if use Docker for windows then use For toolbox or linux you will add the IP of your machine

    Since it is docker, we probably want to keep port fixed instead of dynamic like I did. Now we build the docker file and run it.

    This will open a popup in pycharm, click autodetect to detect the source mappings

    Auto detect

    And then you will have your code breakpointed at the main line of your file

    Debug Local Execution Remote