hello I am using core PHP in client Project, I need to integrate rave flutter wave API, I have searched a lot of links now I am checking this URL here but not getting a good result, so please help me in rave flutter wave "Nigeria payment gateway" API in PHP
Our Product for collections is called Rave, please follow the steps below to get started:
Sign up https://ravepay.co/ , for a sanbox account sign up on http://rave.frontendpwc.com
Add a settlement account on sign up
Select a settlement preference by navigating to Account settings > Settlement preference (Find documentation attached for more detailed instruction).
Documentation for developers: https://flutterwavedevelopers.readme.io/v1.0
Pay Now
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener("click", function() { var chargeResponse = "", trxref = "FDKHGK" + Math.random(),// add your transaction ref here pubkey = "XXXX"; // Add public keys generated on your dashboard here getpaidSetup({ customer_email: "xxxxx",// amount: 1000, currency: "NGN", country: "NG", custom_logo: "http://imgur.com/uuRnkV9", custom_description:"", custom_title: "The Start", txref: trxref, PBFPubKey: pubkey, onclose: function(response) {}, callback: function(response) { //flw_ref = response.tx.flwRef; console.log("This is the response returned after a charge", response); if(response.tx.chargeResponse =='00' || response.tx.chargeResponse == '0') { // redirect to a success page } else { // redirect to a failure page. } } }); }); });
If you have any issues at any point, please let us know and we will help sort you out.