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Linq Expression to Select a Field

I have a very specific LINQ query. I would like to check the existence of a randomly generated key in a table.

The standard query could be defined as Select * from Products where SaleId == 'XXXXXXX'. In this query the XXXXXX is generated by a random character generator (a length is also provided). I created the following LINQ extension:

public static string GetUniqueId<T, TProperty>(this IEnumerable<T> source, int length, Func<T, TProperty> idProperty)
    bool isUnique = false;
    string uniqueId = String.Empty;
    while (!isUnique)
        uniqueId = PasswordGenerator.GenerateNoSpecialCharacters(length);
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(uniqueId))
            isUnique = source.AsQueryable().SingleOrDefault(i => idProperty(i).Equals(uniqueId)) == null;
    return uniqueId;

However, I have noticed that this method first selects all the records from the table that is passed as a source and then runs the Where clause. This behavior is obviously very time consuming. So basically it does SELECT * FROM Products and then runs the SingleOrDefault

Is there any way I could directly run the query such that it does Select * from Products WHERE Id = 'XXXXXXX'

Here's an example of how I call it:

string id = c.L2SOnlineCountMasters.GetUniqueId(9, x => x.MID);

In this case L2SOnlineCountMasters is a table in the databse and c is the DataContext instance.


  • After reading both the comments, I realized that IQueryable should be used. However, "Equals" in Expression Call doesn't work as it throws the following error: "More than one method 'Equals' on type 'System.String' is compatible with the supplied arguments." Thus I modified the code a little bit as follows:

    public static string GetUniqueId<T, TProperty>(this IQueryable<T> source, int length, Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> idProperty)
            bool isUnique = false;
            string uniqueId = String.Empty;
            while (!isUnique)
                uniqueId = PasswordGenerator.GenerateNoSpecialCharacters(length);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(uniqueId))
                    var expr = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(
                        Expression.Call(idProperty.Body, typeof(string).GetMethod("Equals", new[] { typeof(string) }), Expression.Constant(uniqueId)), idProperty.Parameters);
                    isUnique = source.SingleOrDefault(expr) == null;
            return uniqueId;

    That really solved the issue.