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how to update JSONB column using knexjs, bookshelfjs

I have a JSONB column in PostgreSQL database like {lat: value, lon: value}. I want to change any specific value at a time eg. lat, but I am not sure how I can achieve this using bookshelf.js or knex.js. I tried using jsonb_set() method specified in Postgres documentation but I am not sure if I used that correctly. Can somebody please suggest me how can I do this? or what is the correct syntax to do this? Thanks.


  • AFAIK only knex based thing that supports writing to and extracting data from postgresql jsonb columns is objection.js ORM.

    With plain knex you need to use raw to write references:

      jsonbColumn: knex.raw(`jsonb_set(??, '{lat}', ?)`, ['jsonbColumn', newLatValue])

    You can check generated SQL here

    Originally answered in:

    More examples how to use jsonb_set with knex can be found in following answers

    How to update a jsonb column's field in PostgreSQL?

    What is the best way to use PostgreSQL JSON types with NodeJS