I have a hash that maps integers to arrays. For example
{1 => ["abc"], 2 => ["ccc", "ddd"]}
How do I iterate through the hash until I find an entry in which the value only has an array size of 1? Normally I could do
arr.detect{|element| element.size == 1}
but that only works for arrays. I'm not sure how to apply a similar logic to hashes.
Same principle applies:
h = {1 => ["abc"], 2 => ["ccc", "ddd"]}
h.find do |_, l|
l.size == 1
# => [ 1, ["abc"]]
Now if you're looking for that as a more useful variable set:
key, value = h.find do |_, l|
l.size == 1
# => [ 1, ["abc"]]
# => 1
# => ["abc"]
If you only care about the values, then it's even easier:
list = h.values.find do |l|
l.size == 1