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bootstrap navbar container when scroll down navbar fixed top container fluid

I wanna ask some help from you guys with regards of bootstrap navbar container when it scrolls down the navbar fixed at the top and the same time container fluid

what i mean

I provide you also codepen link so you play around Codepen div


  • So,

    If I understand your question, you want to affix the navbar to the top after the user begins to scroll. Well, here is my implementation of of this... I used this answer and modified it for this scenario as well as documented the code.


     * Scroll management
    $(document).ready(function () {
        // Define the menu we are working with
        var menu = $('.navbar.navbar-default.navbar-inverse');
        // Get the menus current offset
        var origOffsetY = menu.offset().top;
         * scroll
         * Perform our menu mod
        function scroll() {
            // Check the menus offset. 
            if ($(window).scrollTop() >= origOffsetY) {
                //If it is indeed beyond the offset, affix it to the top.
            } else {
                // Otherwise, un affix it.
        // Anytime the document is scrolled act on it
        document.onscroll = scroll;