I am receiving a build error when I try to run ng-packagr with material: 2.0.0-beta.12 as a dependency. It's looking for node_modules/@angular/packages/material
which the packages folder doesn't exist in node_modules so I get ENOENT: no such file or directory open
I have submitted this to the material and ng-packagr issue trackers but it could very well be something I'm doing locally. I started a new project here material-issue-project and the only thing it does is import one module (MatIconModule) from material library.
Has anyone else had this issue? Might not be too many people out there using ng-packagr with material-beta.12 but any thoughts or tips would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not really sure how to explain it since I don't understand what's happening but here is the material issue and the ng-packagr issue. I'm sure there's a need for clarification so just let me know. I also attached a screenshot of the error I'm receiving.
It appears there is a problem with the sourcemaps in material beta.12. Look at this comment to set material as an external peer dependency for the current workaround.