I am developing a time series data model with clustering column i.e.
id text,
time timestamp,
type text,
val double,
PRIMARY KEY (id, time)
I wish to perform a select against the partition column 'id' and clustering column 'time'. For example, id:='1', timestamp:='2017-10-09'
query := "SELECT id, time, type, val FROM events WHERE id=? AND time>=?"
iterable := Cassandra.Session.Query(query, id, timestamp).Consistency(gocql.One).Iter()
for iterable.MapScan(m) {
found = true
event = Event{
ID: m["id"].(string),
Time: m["time"].(time.Time),
Type: m["type"].(string),
Val: m["val"].(float64),
After checking err on iterable.Close(), found an error in marshalling
{"errors":["can not marshal string into timestamp"]}
How could I fix this?
Here is how I end up solving this by transforming string literal (of timestamp) to type time.Time
timestamp = "2017-10-09T13:25:00.000Z"
tsAfter,err = time.Parse(model.TimeLayout, timestamp)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err.Error())
log.Printf("GET param [id = %s]", idStr)
log.Printf("GET param [after = %s]", tsAfter.String())
m := map[string]interface{}{}
query := "SELECT id, time, type, val FROM events WHERE id = ? AND time >= ?"
iterable := cql.Session.Query(query, idStr, tsAfter).Consistency(gocql.One).Iter()
for iterable.MapScan(m) {
eventList = append(eventList, model.Event{
ID: m["id"].(string),
Time: m["time"].(time.Time),
Type: m["type"].(string),
Val: m["val"].(float64),
m = map[string]interface{}{}