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Oracle - How to determine if a table is TDE encrypted

As mentioned in the topic: How to tell if in Oracle a table is encrypted with TDE or not? Couldn't find anything asking Google.


  • This information can be obtained from [dba | all | user]_encrypted_columns data dictionary view(s)

    administer key management set keystore open identified by password;
    administer key management set key identified by password with backup;
    -- test table with one encrypted column   
    create table tb_encrpt (
      c1 varchar2(10) encrypt
    tablespace encrypt_tbs;

    Display information about encrypted tables' columns

    column table_name format a10;
    column column_name format a10;
    column encryption_alg format a10;
    select table_name
         , column_name
         , encryption_alg
      from dba_encrypted_columns

    The result:

    ---------- ---------- ----------
    TB_ENCRPT  C1         AES 192 bi
    1 row selected.

    How to tell if in Oracle a table is encrypted with TDE or not?

    If a table is not present in the [dba | all | user]_encrypted_columns then it has no encrypted columns.