I have multiple files in a directory that are in .aiff format, and I would like to convert them to .wav using SoX. I have tried the code on this website, which is as follows
theFiles = `/Users/me/RainbowAiff/*.aiff`;
for eachFile in $theFiles; do v1=${eachFile%*.aiff};
oldFile="$v1.aiff"; newFile = "$v1.wav";
echo oldFile $oldFile; echo newFile $newFile; sox $oldFile $newFile; done
and this website, which is as follows
for i in `/Users/me/RainbowAiff/ *.aiff`; do echo -e "$i"; sox $i $i.wav; echo -e "$i.wav"; done;
but I get an error message in both instances that says "cannot execute binary file". What could be the source of this error?
Incompatible binary files cause this error, see this question.
If the outputs from file sox
and uname -a
commands tell that there is a discrepancy between the binary file and your operating system, i.e., x86 vs. ARM, you need to find the correct binary for SoX. Although there is no SoX release since 2015, check this and this to find a version that is compatible with your system.
The problem is also related to the file attributes of the sox. In order to give it the executable attribute, simply go to the folder where sox is located and run chmod +x sox
command (you need root access first).