at the moment I'm working on a gamecollection app, where the user has to entry his name name and then can select one of 4 games. My plan is it, to have on every gameview a part at the top, with players 1 and players 2 Name, Score, Winrate etc. I want to build it once and then reuse this view (or how ever it is called properly) on all 4 gameviews. I dont want to build the same view 4 times. Later on i just wanna fill the labels according to the game. So on Game1 Players1 Winrate for Game1 should appear, and on Game2 Players1 Winrate for Game2 and so on. I tried to use a container view, but i was unable to do some outlets of the labels on the view.
Hopefully someone can explain me my mistakes i did or show me a way i can do it properly.
Best regards, XaNNy0
Why did you want to use collectionView? Make simple UIView subclass with labels. Add this view to the top of your global view and update labels when you want.