I have a set of predictors that are partially correlated and I would like to reduce them to a functional set and use the reduced model for prediction. I am able to find a good lambda to use by using the
> require(glmnet); require(glmnetUtils)
> cvfit <- cv.glmnet(
+ SpeakerGroup ~ Age +transient_mean +syllablerate+syllablerate_sd+intensitysfraction_mean + NucleusPercentVoiced_mean +NucleusPercentVoiced_sd +OnsetPercentVoiced_mean + OnsetPercentVoiced_sd +Shim + Jitt +intensityslope+rateslope + APQ3 +APQ5+DDP_A+RAP +PPQ5 +DDP, nfolds = 20
+ ,family="binomial",data=curr.df,type.measure = "class")
> plot(cvfit)
(see image here: https://umu.box.com/s/9rt60v3btfo8qhz870vludv6whxlgfx0 imgur is not working for me).
> cbind(coef.cv.glmnet(cvfit, s = "lambda.1se"),coef.cv.glmnet(cvfit, s = "lambda.min"))
20 x 2 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
1 1
(Intercept) -1.229948 -0.84290372
Age . .
transient_mean . .
syllablerate . -0.31636610
syllablerate_sd . .
intensitysfraction_mean . .
NucleusPercentVoiced_mean . .
NucleusPercentVoiced_sd . .
OnsetPercentVoiced_mean . 0.01119326
OnsetPercentVoiced_sd . .
Shim . .
Jitt . 8.09912574
intensityslope . -1.68472631
rateslope . .
APQ3 . .
APQ5 . .
DDP_A . .
RAP . .
PPQ5 . .
DDP . .
Ok, this model gets me a set of predictors that I would like to evaluate the accuracy, specificity and so on in terms of predicting group membership (two possible groups).
> require(resamplr) # https://github.com/jrnold/resamplr
> # compute 5 folds that have the same balance between groups as the original data set
> curr.df %>% group_by(SpeakerGroup) %>% crossv_kfold(k=5,stratify=TRUE) -> folds
I may compute the model
> folds <- folds %>% mutate(model = map(train, ~ glmnet(
+ SpeakerGroup ~ Age + transient_mean +syllablerate+syllablerate_sd+intensitysfraction_mean +NucleusPercentVoiced_sd +OnsetPercentVoiced_mean + OnsetPercentVoiced_sd + Jitt +intensityslope + APQ3 +DDP_A,data=.,family="binomial")))
(you can find the resulting folds
object here https://umu.box.com/s/ktxbba4ptzf3hke8g5ze6qgvt0rv42fp)
Now, I want to predict based on each model and the test data set up by the 5-fold procedure.
> predicted <- folds %>% mutate(predicted =map2(model, test, ~ predict(.x, data = .y,type="response",s=cvfit$lambda.min)))
my I gen an error:
Error in mutate_impl(.data, dots) :
Evaluation error: argument "data" is missing, with no default.
I am confused by this, as I have provided a data
Any ideas of what could have gone wrong here?
Is there a simpler way to get a standard 2x2 confusion matrix of a 5-fold cross validation of a GLMNET model??
As pointed out in the comment above, the cv.glmnet
procedure is a cross validation already. The issue is that I saw no way to extract the fitted values from the model.
For future reference, this works
cvfit <- cv.glmnet(
<description of model>... ,type.measure = "auc",keep=TRUE)
The main point is the keep=TRUE
which allows you to extract parameters later.
currInd <- match(cvfit$lambda.min,cvfit$glmnet.fit$lambda)
# There is also a 'cvfit$lambda.1se' to have a look at
cutoff <- 0.5
predicted <- cut(as.numeric(cvfit$fit.preval[,currInd]),c(-1000,cutoff,1000),labels=<your labels> )
which gives you a vector of predictions, using your cutoff value, that you can then compared to the actual value.
I do wish that there would be a standardized way of doing this without extracting parameters by hand, but there it is. At least this works.