I am building dynamic lamda expressions from string expressions using ParseAsExpression
. The problem is that i cannot figure out how to parse an expression of an array contains an object like mylist.Contains(x.Id)
Full example
var list = new int[] { 4,5,6};
var whereFunction = new Interpreter().SetVariable("mylist", list);
whereFunction.ParseAsExpression<Func<Person, bool>>("(person.Age == 5 && person.Name.StartsWith(\"G\")) || person.Age == 3 && mylist.Contains(person.Id)", "person");
For now you can do a workaround by implementing an alias extension method for each method doesn't work, like for Contains
var list = new int[] { 4,5,6};
var whereFunction = new Interpreter()
.SetVariable("mylist", list)
whereFunction.ParseAsExpression<Func<Person, bool>>("(person.Age == 5 && person.Name.StartsWith(\"G\")) || person.Age == 3 && mylist.Exists(person.Id)", "person");
// Define this class somewhere
public static class ExtensionMethods
public static bool Exists<T>(this IEnumerable arr, T searchKey)
return ((IEnumerable<T>)arr).Contains(searchKey);
I see this is as a stupid workaround, but it'll work.