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wp_link_pages and the_posts_pagination → whats the difference

  1. REQUIRED: The theme doesn't have post pagination code in it. Use posts_nav_link() or paginate_links() or the_posts_pagination() or the_posts_navigation() or next_posts_link() and previous_posts_link() to add post pagination.
  2. REQUIRED: Could not find wp_link_pages. See: wp_link_pages

above are theme-check plugin warning.

On the basis of Implementation, what is the difference between the two.

Please validate my understanding →

1 is for front/homepage in WordPress

2 is for single posts



  • Yes,

    1/ It is for all the pages wich contain multiple post preview (like a /blog/ page),

    2/ wp_link_pages is for display page-links for paginated within posts