i have a script from github https://github.com/akatrevorjay/edid-generator
which is written in assembly, now i want to do some more actions with this Edid Stuff and because i never did assembly im writing it in Python. For that i need to know how many bytes
.fill 7,2,0x0101
normally have to "convert" it in python.
If it helps here is the full code line for each:
start1: .ascii "Linux #0"
.fill 7,2,0x0101 /* Unused */
serial_number: .long SERIAL
.data (Dont have more here)
These ones are simple
.long value
puts a long value (4 bytes).word value
puts a word value (2 bytes).byte value
puts a byte value (1 byte).ascii "text"
just puts the bytes of the text without NUL terminatorExample
.ascii "HELLO"
is the same as
.byte 'H'
.byte 'E'
.byte 'L'
.byte 'L'
.byte 'O'
which is the same as
.byte 'H', 'E', 'L', 'L', 'O'
This one is less obvious:
.fill repeat , size , value
It will put repeat times
the value value
with the size size
.fill 3, 2, 0xab
is th same as
.word 0xab, 0xab, 0xab
.fill 3, 1, 0xab
is the same as
.byte 0xab, 0xab, 0xab
Complete example:
.ascii "HELLO"
.fill 3,2,0xab
.word 5
.long 6
this will give you these bytes in memory on a little endian system:
'H', 'E', 'L', 'L', 'O', 0, 0xab, 0, 0xab, 0, 0xab, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 6
| .ASCII | .FILL | .WORD | .LONG |