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How to use masking layer to mask input/output in LSTM autoencoders?

I am trying to use LSTM autoencoder to do sequence-to-sequence learning with variable lengths of sequences as inputs, using following code:

inputs = Input(shape=(None, input_dim))
masked_input = Masking(mask_value=0.0, input_shape=(None,input_dim))(inputs)
encoded = LSTM(latent_dim)(masked_input)

decoded = RepeatVector(timesteps)(encoded)
decoded = LSTM(input_dim, return_sequences=True)(decoded)
sequence_autoencoder = Model(inputs, decoded)
encoder = Model(inputs, encoded)

where inputs are raw sequence data padded with 0s to the same length (timesteps). Using the code above, the output is also of length timesteps, but when we calculate loss function we only want first Ni elements of the output (where Ni is length of input sequence i, which may be different for different sequences). Does anyone know if there is some good way to do that?



  • Option 1: you can always train without padding if you accept to train separate batches.

    See this answer to a simple way of separating batches of equal length: Keras misinterprets training data shape

    In this case, all you have to do is to perform the "repeat" operation in another manner, since you don't have the exact length at training time.

    So, instead of RepeatVector, you can use this:

    import keras.backend as K
    def repeatFunction(x):
        #x[0] is (batch,latent_dim)
        #x[1] is inputs: (batch,length,features)
        latent = K.expand_dims(x[0],axis=1) #shape(batch,1,latent_dim)
        inpShapeMaker = K.ones_like(x[1][:,:,:1]) #shape (batch,length,1)
        return latent * inpShapeMaker
    #instead of RepeatVector:

    Option2 (doesn't smell good): use another masking after RepeatVector.

    I tried this, and it works, but we don't get 0's at the end, we get the last value repeated until the end. So, you will have to make a weird padding in your target data, repeating the last step until the end.

    Example: target [[[1,2],[5,7]]] will have to be [[[1,2],[5,7],[5,7],[5,7]...]]

    This may unbalance your data a lot, I think....

    def makePadding(x):
        #x[0] is encoded already repeated  
        #x[1] is inputs    
        #padding = 1 for actual data in inputs, 0 for 0
        padding =  K.cast( K.not_equal(x[1][:,:,:1],0), dtype=K.floatx())
            #assuming you don't have 0 for non-padded data
        #padding repeated for latent_dim
        padding = K.repeat_elements(padding,rep=latent_dim,axis=-1)
        return x[0]*padding
    inputs = Input(shape=(timesteps, input_dim))
    masked_input = Masking(mask_value=0.0)(inputs)
    encoded = LSTM(latent_dim)(masked_input)
    decoded = RepeatVector(timesteps)(encoded)
    decoded = Lambda(makePadding,output_shape=(timesteps,latent_dim))([decoded,inputs])
    decoded = Masking(mask_value=0.0)(decoded)
    decoded = LSTM(input_dim, return_sequences=True)(decoded)
    sequence_autoencoder = Model(inputs, decoded)
    encoder = Model(inputs, encoded)

    Option 3 (best): crop the outputs directly from the inputs, this also eliminates the gradients

    def cropOutputs(x):
        #x[0] is decoded at the end
        #x[1] is inputs
        #both have the same shape
        #padding = 1 for actual data in inputs, 0 for 0
        padding =  K.cast( K.not_equal(x[1],0), dtype=K.floatx())
            #if you have zeros for non-padded data, they will lose their backpropagation
        return x[0]*padding
    decoded = LSTM(input_dim, return_sequences=True)(decoded)
    decoded = Lambda(cropOutputs,output_shape=(timesteps,input_dim))([decoded,inputs])