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calling an angular controller method via ng-click in es6

I'm testing using es6 with angular 1.6 using browserify and babelify in gulp and I've noticed that when I create a controller using es6 class I can no longer call the controller's methods on the dom using ng-click.


    export default class FocusbtnsController {
    constructor($scope) {}

    testMethod() {
        alert('test method works!!');

main module:

import angular from 'angular';
import FocusbtnsController from './focusbtns.controller';

export default angular.module('shapesite', [])
    .controller('FocusbtnsController', FocusbtnsController);


<div class="center-btns ng-scope" ng-controller="FocusbtnsController">
    <div class="focus-btn-container" style="left:50%;top:5%" ng-click="testMethod()">
        <div class="diamond">
            <div class="diamond-btn"></div>

I've tried removing the export default from the angular.module, but with no effect. when I add the method testMethod to the $scope argument $scope.testMethod = testMethod; it works, but it feels extremely dirty to do it that way.

I'm I missing something that will allow me to call the controller method while using the es6 syntax without having to assign it to the $scope?


  • To extend on my comment, a simple Angular 1.5+ component would look like this.


    <button ng-click="$ctrl.someMethod()">Click Me</button>


    import template from './mycomponent.component.html';
    class MyComponentController {
      constructor($filter) {
        this.$filter = filter;
      someMethod() {
       console.log('Hello World');
    const myComponent = {
      controller: MyComponentController,
      bindings: {},
    export default myComponent;


    import myComponent from './mycomponent.component';
      .component('myComponent', myComponent);

    To use you can call <my-component></my-component>.

    An alternative would be what Nicholas Tower answered, but again, in my opinion if you're using 1.5+ just use components.