Issue: I want the cover background-image to overflow beyond the div when it's scaled down.
Why I need it: The image is transparent with different graphics floating around and of the background-size cover so when browsing in a mobile, the transform crops graphics on the edge of the div and scales the div.
CSS solutions only please.
Edit: CSS + js solutions will do.
Example: the outer div is supposed to represent a mobile browser window.
background-position:center center;
transition: all 1s ease-out 0s;
transform: scale(0.8);
width:150px; height:300px; position:relative; border:1px solid black;
<div class="window-mobile"><div class="chivoyage"><div></div>
Ok after some thought, I arrived at a solution. Basically, background-size: cover logically equals
background-size: 100% auto if the width:height ratio of image is lower than that of container
background-size: auto 100% if the width:height ratio of image is higher than that of container
So I ended up calculating the ratio using naturalheight and naturalwidth and with an if statement, I get which background-size to apply, thus maintaining the behaviour as cover while being able to work with the values via js to transform background-image.
On a side note, if you need to work with background-size:contain, just calculate the ratio and do the opposite (1. would be auto 100% and 2. would be 100% auto)