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Twitter API Truncating Tweet by Adding URL

I'm trying to get tweets from twitter using tweepy but I keep getting truncated tweets. I understand that twitter automatically truncates tweets if the RT is added to the front making it too long so in that case you would use the retweeted_status element to get the original text. My problem is that the retweeted_status is being truncated by twitter because it seems to add a URL to the end.

text: RT @nytgraphics: President Trump is at his VA golf course today. It’s his 16th visit to the club as president.…

retweeted_status: President Trump is at his VA golf course today. It’s his 16th visit to the club as president.… (there is actually a shortened twitter link here but SO wont let me put a shortened link)

I'm not sure why it does this. The retweeted status is marked as truncated but not as retweeted or quoted.

How can I just get the original text of the retweet or just get the full text of everything (AKA RT @soandso "untruncated text")


  • Yes, you can get extended tweets. It is documented here.

    Supply this parameter to your request: tweet_mode=extended. Get the extended tweet text in this field: full_text.