Currently we have a class with a function that returns a typeAlias as a value:
class NotificationDetailFactory {
typealias T = UIViewController & NotificationDetailType
func getNotificationType(notificationType:PushNotificationDetail?) -> T? {
switch notificationType?.type! {
case .notice:
let notificationVC = NoticeViewController()
notificationVC.notificationType = notificationType
return notificationVC
case .promotion:
let promotionVC = PromoViewController()
promotionVC.notificationType = notificationType
return promotionVC
The return values in the switch statement are what need to be accessed (ie, notificationVC, promotionVC). In a view controller the "getNotifcationType" function is being called:
let factory = NotificationDetailFactory()
func goToDetailView(notificationType: PushNotificationDetail) {
switch factory.getNotificationType(notificationType: notificationType){
case notificationVC:
self.presentViewController("BGMDetailNotifications", nextModule: "notice", showInNavigationController: true, showContainer: false, data: [:], animation: nil)
case paymentVC:
self.presentViewController("BGMDetailNotifications", nextModule: "payment", showInNavigationController: true, showContainer: false, data: [:], animation: nil)
} }
The problem that is occurring is when we try to compile the project, an error pops up next to each case statement in the 2nd portion of code that reads:
Use of unresolved identifier 'notificationVC'
where the VC is whatever VC is trying to be accessed in the getNotificationType function. My guess its acting this way because its returning a typAlias for the first function. Whats the best way to access these VCs from the first function?
You have to check their types.
let vc = factory.getNotificationType(notificationType: notificationType)
switch vc {
case is NoticeViewController:
self.present(vc, nextModule: "notice", ...)
// here goes your code for NoticeViewController case
case is PromoViewController:
self.present(vc, nextModule: "payment", ...)
// here goes your code for PromoViewController case