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How to use chunksSortMode in HtmlWebpackPlugin / webpack 2

I have an issue with the order of my chunks inserted in index.html.

I'm using webpack2 and HtmlWebpackPlugin.

I think what is controlling the order of the chunk is the chunksSortMode option.

The documentation for HtmlWebpackPlugin is saying:

chunksSortMode: Allows to control how chunks should be sorted before they are included to the html. Allowed values: 'none' | 'auto' | 'dependency' |'manual' | {function} - default: 'auto'

What is the difference between:

  • none
  • auto
  • dependency
  • manual

For the 'function' option, this answer gave me insight

It's likely that I don't understand something basic as I would expect to find this info in the documentation from the start.


  • I think this file may help you, it's well commented. chunksorter

    short summary:

    none: performs identity mapping (no-sort).

    auto: sort by chunk Id

    dependency: sorts dependencies between chunks by their "parents" attribute.

    manual: sort manually by the chunks:

    • @param {Array} chunks the chunks to sort
    • @return {Array} The sorted chunks