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SQL LAG Days since last order

Hi I am trying to create a windowed query in SQL that shows me the days since last order for each customer.

enter image description here

It now shows me the days in between each order.

What do I need to change in my query to have it only show the days since the last and the previous order per customer? Now it shows it for every order the customer made.


SELECT klantnr,besteldatum,
      DATEDIFF(DAY,LAG(besteldatum) OVER(PARTITION BY klantnr ORDER BY besteldatum),besteldatum) AS DaysSinceLastOrder
FROM bestelling
GROUP BY klantnr,besteldatum;


  • You can use row_number() to order the rows by besteldatum for each klantnr, and return the latest two using a derived table (subquery) or common table expression.

    derived table version:

    select klantnr, besteldatum, DaysSinceLastOrder
      from (
        select klantnr, besteldatum
          , DaysSinceLastOrder = datediff(day,lag(besteldatum) over (partition by klantnr order by besteldatum),besteldatum) 
          , rn = row_number() over (partition by klantnr order by besteldatum desc)
        from bestelling
        group by klantnr, besteldatum
      ) t
    where rn = 1

    common table expression version:

    ;with cte as (
      select klantnr, besteldatum
        , DaysSinceLastOrder = datediff(day,lag(besteldatum) over (partition by klantnr order by besteldatum),besteldatum) 
        , rn = row_number() over (partition by klantnr order by besteldatum desc)
      from bestelling
      group by klantnr, besteldatum
    select klantnr, besteldatum, DaysSinceLastOrder
    from cte
    where rn = 1

    If you want one row per customer, rn = 1 is the proper filter. If you want n number of latest rows, use rn < n+1.